Sunday, September 27, 2009

Things considered

So a little background - my future husband and I are getting married. I could explain "future husband" now, but that's a story for another time. Every day is filled with little choices, shades of gray to wade through in a series of split seconds, paths taken, sometimes often enough to become habits, some not at all. As an organized person I feel pretty equipped to do this without much trouble, but a wedding is something else. As artists and people who fancy ourselves with some style I feel a lot of pressure to not only make it a celebration of us coming together, but us as people. A little off, a little more unique. Anyway - as we've been talking, doing research etc I find myself unable to make certain decisions (do I seriously care about place settings? napkins? seriously???) we haven't even settled on a date. Rather than wade in the morass, I figured why not make it a real project? So it's here that I hope to understand a little bit more about making choices and document things in photos as well as pull in some interesting resources on how people go about doing these things. If you are interested in the wedding part - there will be that too. Revealed in the "things not chosen."

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